We’ve scoured all four corners of the internet for all the latest #renewables news (to save you a bit of time). Grab a coffee, here’s the gist (22/11/21 edition):
- Powering the production of gas with solar electricity could dramatically reduce Australia’s carbon footprint (via Renew Economy).
- New technologies that allow hydrogen to be produced from solar energy could be the pathway to low-cost renewable hydrogen supplies (via Renew Economy)
- First Nations communities want to team up with governments and industry to develop more renewable energy projects on Indigenous land (via ABC).
- Queensland’s biggest coal export station goes “100% renewable” (via Renew Economy).
- The global loss of appetite for all things coal and gas seems to have inspired a 50 MW solar farm as the centrepiece of a Queensland coal mine proposal? (via PV Magazine).
- Affordable electricity, thanks to renewables, will keep interest rates lower for longer in Australia (via news.com.au)
- The risk of being unable to find workers may threaten the renewable energy revolution as development draws from the same labour pool as big infrastructure projects, which are set to surge in the post-Covid boom (via Renew Economy).
- The practical changes needed for renewable energy to replace fossil fuels will be difficult but failure is “not a pleasant option” for our world (via thebulletin.org)
Our shot of the week (from the Meralli archives) captures Baroota solar farm built in 2019: